Information on Goals
Describe goals in the form below, and include the date the goal was set and the date it was achieved.
Examples of Student Achievements:
Placed in training program
Placed in postsecondary education
Obtained secondary school diploma
Obtained GED
Completed educational functioning level
Achieved work-based project learning goal
Completed a curriculum level
Workplace & Finance
Retained employment or received salary increase
Left public assistance
Entered employment
Opened bank account
Interviewed for a job
Personal & Family
Obtained a library card
Visited library (with/for child)
Purchased books or magazines
Increased involvement in child's school
Increased involvement in child's literacy activities
Increased involvement in child's education
Increased contact with child's teacher
Helped child more with school
Improved Vocabulary
Improved writing skills (mail, check, applications, resume, etc.)
Increased self-esteem/confidence
Read to children
Skills to relocate (real estate listings, calculate cost, etc.)
Health & Societal
Voted or registered to vote
Increased involvement in community activities
Achieved citizenship skills
Filled out forms (medical, financial, employment, educational, etc.)
Found a doctor or clinic
Obtained a driver’s license
Exercised legal rights
Performed civic duty
Accessed community services
Improved reading skills (newspaper, rules, school notices, labels, etc.)
Followed medical directions
Used technology